
November 6, 2021

Roanoke-Benson CUSD Parents,

As enter the second week of November please see a few seasonal updates and reminders below:

-In the event of a school closure due to snow and/or ice, we will communicate via the school district app instead of the Remind app. If a storm is forecasted early enough to send laptops home with all our students the night before a storm, we may conduct E-Learning days as we did last school year.  

-The cold weather often surprises many of us. Please remember to send the kids to school with hats, gloves, and boots when necessary.  If you are in need of outdoor winter clothing, please contact me. We have churches and community organizations that often donate those items to children. As we have in the past, we will go outside for recess if the wind chill is above 10 degrees. We will also continue to maintain a lost and found at school. 

-With the upcoming cold and flu season please remember that sick students must be fever free for 24 hours before returning to school.

-Our high school is conducting a Veterans’ Day ceremony at 8:30 am at the Alumni Memorial. The entire RB community is invited. Please see the program below:

       The RBHS band will play various military marches starting at 8:30 
       The RBHS band will play the national anthem
       “Pledge of Allegiance”
       The Band will provide a musical selection
       The Choir will provide a musical selection
       Members of the American Legion will conduct a twenty-one gun salute
       Members of the RBHS band will conduct taps
       The streets surrounding the Alumni Memorial will be closed during the 

-Thanksgiving vacation is November 24-26.

-The RBHS and Sowers Christmas concerts will be held in the high school gym on December 7. The Sowers program will begin at 6:00 followed by the RBHS program at 7:45.

-The RBJH Christmas Concert is scheduled on December 9 at 7:00 at the junior high. 

-Christmas vacation is December 20-January 3.

Enjoy the beautiful Fall Weekend,

Thomas Welsh
Roanoke-Benson CUSD 60