
November 9, 2021

Roanoke-Benson Community,

As has been reported, Roanoke-Benson CUSD 60 has been named along with 144 other local school districts, Governor Pritzker, ISBE and IDPH in a lawsuit challenging the authority of the State of Illinois to impose mask requirements and exclusion of close contact in public schools. 

 The school district referred this case to our insurance provider and met with appointed insurance defense counsel to consider the position of the District in this litigation.  Following that meeting, the Board of Education directed our appointed counsel to advise the court in the litigation that the District has implemented the mask and exclusion rules due to the state requirements found in the Governor’s Executive Orders, regulations and guidance from the Illinois State Board of Education and Illinois Department of Public Health.  

We anticipate that the underlying issue of authority of the state to impose these requirements will be litigated between plaintiffs' counsel and the Attorney General who is representing Governor Pritzker and the state agencies.  This position was chosen after much deliberation about the potential ramifications of all available options. 

Roanoke-Benson Board of Education & Administration